Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Someone To Sit With/While Witnessing Beauty

Someone To Sit With

My words
They don’t always come out
The way I mean them to.
They show.
My feelings, thoughts, worries…
Heart to you
Brain and heart collide.
To tell you.
Feelings I cannot hide.
Brain skips heart
Heart skips beat.
Mutter false words
You shouldn’t have heard
My heart is heavy over my
My heart, it is still
It waits.
For you.
Like an empty park bench
Waiting for company.
Someone to sit with.
Witness all this beauty
The bench waits
Keeps its place
It waits for you.
To occupy this space.


While Witnessing Beauty

My thoughts
They don’t always think out
They way I want them to.
They show.
My hurt, insecure, lies
Used to.
Old and new collide.
To tell you.
Hurts I cannot hide.
Old beats heart.
Hearts beats new.
Mutter angry words
You shouldn’t have heard
My head hangs heavy over
My heart beats, still
It longs.
For you.
Like a wanderer for his
Empty park bench.
Somewhere to sit while.
Witnessing beauty.
My feet ache
Keeping pace.
Longing to be there.
To fill up the space.

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