Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Magic Door.

It creaks.
It groans.
Worn with
Time and love.
It hangs
There. Neither
Open or shut.
Balancing in
The air.
Begging for
Someone to
Set their
Foor inside.
Take off
On a magical
Ride. Where
The sun shines
And the wind
“won’t you be mine..”
Too late to
Look back
The door is
Gone. Wild and
Free you start
To run. Joy
Fills the air
As your laughter
Meets my ear.
Eyes are begging
Stay on this
Ride. Keep my
Further we
Run before
Time beats
Us. Sun
Grows dim
As the
Meets us. No
Waning given
The door is
The magic ends.
The handle I
Jiggle. The
Door I pound.
Locked forever.
The key cannot
Be found. The
Stars they come.
The moon is
Bright but these
Tears bring rain
To this chilly
Night. Curled on
The doorstep
My head shall
Lay. Waiting for
My magic door
To open once

Friday, September 24, 2010


Pocket full of shells.
That Sally didn't
sell me.
Pocket full of shells
I found on a
different type of
I walked your shore
feet stuck in the sand.
Not sure what I was
looking for to meet your
demand. Picked up
your broken shells
put them in my
pocket. they sit in
my fingers. All your
broken shells
they sit in my jar.
Never very far. All
the broken shells
together form a beauty.
Sally could never sell
me these shells of
you. The jagged
seashore I'd walk once
more to find
your beauty and
keep your shells in my

Monday, September 20, 2010


The grayness gets stirred
mixing to perfection
all these thoughts
turn to deflection.

It's poured. It sets.
Quickly drying
a force it becomes
as the frame falls away.

Four walls left standing
in the middle of this place.
People wander around.
No one guards this place.

Rocks are thrown.
Graffiti marks the walls.
Chunks fall away.
But these sturdy walls remain.

For years the crowd stays
surrounding all four sides
never knowing what
was on the inside.

All the while the observer
saw these things take place.
Turning away in shame and pain
she hid her solemn face.

For years she watched
the crowd never left.
From her view she watched
the walls grow higher.

She wasn't much of a climber
but she knew what lay inside
those walls. Fighting through
the crowd she made her way up.

Once inside the sight was a wreck.
She cleaned the site with all her might
and slowly tore down each graffiti-ed

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Empty Lungs

Every minute is that of an hour

That the air is gone from my lungs.

Mustered heaves only push to half full,

Just enough for one short breath

Before all my energy and all my body

Musters once more.

Shoulders rise and shoulders fall

While my body remains handicap.

My chest burns while my lungs scream

And beg for air.

Just for one deep breath

They plead with no other care.

I struggle with all my might

Put up my strongest fight

While lungs remain empty

All throughout the night.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lord stop all this
Take away all that doesn't
Take and lead my
Push me. Pull me. 
Let the rest fall

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

always with you.

quickly, she steals away, into the night.
footsteps light.
your voice to hear. your hug to feel.
needed to heal.

down the dark hall, your face in my grasp.
freedom at last.
voices are a whisper in these stolen moments.
golden moments.

my eyes never fall away from you.
beauty true.
your arms around me...i'm not alone.
finally home.

not wanting to push our luck, i creep to the door.
missing you more.
the moon is high as my heart.
hate to be apart.

stolen moments keep me going.
love flowing.
always fast. always true. my heart
always with you.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Time Is Gone.

is gone.
like dust from
my tracks.
like sand through
my fingers.
like darkness in
the cracks.
like shadows that
still linger.
writers block
as the clock
to a miserable
poor ending to this
no one ever lives
happily ever after.
so much on the
yelling, fighting myself to
keeping words locked
live to see another
all day long
locked in this hole.
its growing dark.
i'm feeling cold.
i wanted to be around
for your last hours
spent in this town.
alone i lay and watch
the sun go down.
this day so far from
what i planned.
promised i'd be the
strong one...
this day just wasn't
what i counted on.
all the wrong emotions
flowing in my heart.
stirring like the ocean.
jealousy rages
while i fight its stages.
best friend is
my title. but i'm
the only one not
having you at the end.
misconstrued i know.
to stoop so low.
these are my honest
feelings. i let show.
anger. rejection.
pride. hurt.
emotions begging
to come out.
swallow hard
promise is
a promise.
told you the
strong one i
would be.
is not gone.
time is ahead.
past is gone.