Monday, September 20, 2010


The grayness gets stirred
mixing to perfection
all these thoughts
turn to deflection.

It's poured. It sets.
Quickly drying
a force it becomes
as the frame falls away.

Four walls left standing
in the middle of this place.
People wander around.
No one guards this place.

Rocks are thrown.
Graffiti marks the walls.
Chunks fall away.
But these sturdy walls remain.

For years the crowd stays
surrounding all four sides
never knowing what
was on the inside.

All the while the observer
saw these things take place.
Turning away in shame and pain
she hid her solemn face.

For years she watched
the crowd never left.
From her view she watched
the walls grow higher.

She wasn't much of a climber
but she knew what lay inside
those walls. Fighting through
the crowd she made her way up.

Once inside the sight was a wreck.
She cleaned the site with all her might
and slowly tore down each graffiti-ed

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