Monday, September 6, 2010

Time Is Gone.

is gone.
like dust from
my tracks.
like sand through
my fingers.
like darkness in
the cracks.
like shadows that
still linger.
writers block
as the clock
to a miserable
poor ending to this
no one ever lives
happily ever after.
so much on the
yelling, fighting myself to
keeping words locked
live to see another
all day long
locked in this hole.
its growing dark.
i'm feeling cold.
i wanted to be around
for your last hours
spent in this town.
alone i lay and watch
the sun go down.
this day so far from
what i planned.
promised i'd be the
strong one...
this day just wasn't
what i counted on.
all the wrong emotions
flowing in my heart.
stirring like the ocean.
jealousy rages
while i fight its stages.
best friend is
my title. but i'm
the only one not
having you at the end.
misconstrued i know.
to stoop so low.
these are my honest
feelings. i let show.
anger. rejection.
pride. hurt.
emotions begging
to come out.
swallow hard
promise is
a promise.
told you the
strong one i
would be.
is not gone.
time is ahead.
past is gone.

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