Sunday, October 10, 2010

Places Left

there's no
just rhythm
and flow
and so many
places to go
this in my head
i hear a beat
this itch in
my fingers brings
me to my seat
hit the paper
like your feet
hit the pavement
you're so far gone
and these words
I love for
you to savor
like the taste
on your lips
or the sting
of the
as words draw
your cuts run deep
like cheap memories
that keep on
insist on staying
in your mind
is the beat
of my rhyme
and glow
and so many
places left
yet to go
let these words
flow through me
they've reached
the top
they overfill
your mind
you rewind
to search and
greater meaning
looking to those
on whom
you're leaning against
this reasoning
like a wall
that holds you
but can't catch
you when you
and hit the
ground running
mind spinning
heart beating
with rhyme
and rhythm
and flow
and so many
places left
yet to go.

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