Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Counting Stairs

The building
it towers
it showers
while the
sun beats down
as you
run around
pulling and
tugging while
locks keep
misery persuades
you just
keep trying
till one finally
gives, in you
run. the stairs
you find and
begin to climb
till you reach
your first
landing, the force
knocks you down
fills you with
you crawl till
you can run
to the stairs
once again
long way up
you must begin.
hand grips
the rail
as your feet
start to fail,
landing two
and this thing
that was a
game has
got a hold
of you.
the stillness
hits as your
breaths are quick.
white walls
and long halls
as you creep
to your stairs
and walk to
three, just
one small
room. thick
with doom
as mirrors
on all sides
scream lies
in your ears
and steady
build your
fears. the
tears stream
as you run
and scream
hit the steps
with panic and
run to four
beholds a black
door and a
tiny gold
peep hole
you try to
peek but its
just out of
reach. solemn
and slow, your
feet meet
the stairs as
you begin again
with far fewer
up you go, round
and round, wishing
there was some way
down. five you
finally reach, walk
right through
there they are
but they can't
here you. your
name at first
a whisper here
or there. the
longer you stay
the more they
so many words
you've just heard
they cut
they burn
but your
lesson remains
you search for
six but
its lost
in the mix.
on you wind,
up these stairs
swirling thoughts
and no one cares.

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